
Adan's basic facts test


We are learning to compare the mass of different objects.

We weigh our shoes
We balance the scales
We decide who has the heavier shoes.

Te Reo & Music

WALT sing waita in Maori.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will be able to pronounce the words correctly and keep in tune.

STUDENT VOICE " I can sing the Maori words correctly".


Learning Intention
We are learning to edit our writing.

Success Criteria
Re-read our writing
Does it make sense
Fix up missing capital letters

Teacher Comment
Well done using the editing code to help edit your writing Adan. 

Well doene putting one line through a mistake so your writing makes sense.


Learning Intention
We are learning to understand the purpose of punctuation. 

Success Criteria
Find an example of punctuation
Pause at a comma
Emphasise words followed by an exclamation mark

Teacher Comment
You read well by pausing at the commas and using a big voice before the exclamation mark. Well done Adan!