CARE values

WALT know about the CARE values.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We know that C means Community, A Active thinking, R Respect and E Excellence.

Integrated Learning Term 4

WALT know about sun safety.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We know what to do to keep safe in the sun.


WALT count in ones.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can count like this 1,2,3....


WALT count in ones all the way to 100.
SUCCESS CRITERIA WE can count like this 1,2,3..... 100

Physical Education

WALT bounce and catch a ball.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can bounce and catch a ball while controlling it.

Mtahs Other strand - Time

WALT tell the o'clock times.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I know when the clock says 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock....


                                 Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

STUDENT VOICE  "I used my brush to make my painting. I had a  sponge too". 

Writing Term 3

Easy Blog Photo

WALT write two - three whole sentences that makes sense and sounds right.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We have put the words together into  sentences that makes sense.

STUDENT VOICE " I have made some sentence and they sound good".

Term 3 Reading

WALT look carefully at the words as we are reading.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We read all the words correctly because we are looking at them. 

Term 3

Maths Term 3

Adan's Video on Monday, 20 June 2016

Science Term 2

WALT know about the habitat of a worm. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know that a worm home needs moist paper or dirt. 

STUDENT VOICE " I know the worms do not like light and that this paper needs to be wet".

Reading Term 2

WALT  find words that I know before I start reading.

SUCCESS CRITERIA  I can see some words that I know.

STUDENT VOICE " I know that word the". 

Maths Term 2

WALT count in ones.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can count like 1,2,3......

STUDENT VOICE " I can count to twenty in ones". 

Te Reo Term 2

WALT greet people in Maori.

SUCCESS CRITERIA : I can use the greetings Tena Koe,Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I know that Tena koe means Hello if I am talking to Miss O'Loughlin"

Swimming Term 1

WALT get in the water and move around with confidence. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can climb down the steps and move along the rail. 

STUDENT VOICE " I used to be scared of the water but now I'm not. I like swimming now".