Writing Term 1 2017

WE ARE LEARNING TO: write a recount
We can do this when we:Follow book standards
Write our story in the past tense
Write with some detail
Have most of our sounds in our story

I played with my friends at lunchtime. We played on the Junior playground and we had lost of fun. It was a nice sunny day and we had our sunhats on to keep us safe  from getting sunburnt. 

Maths Term 1 2017

WALT count in ones from 50 -100.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  I can count like 50,51,52,53.... all the way up to 100. 

Physical Education

WALT jump while balanced.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can show how to jump with a rebound and without a rebound. 

Inquiry Term 1 2017

WALT know about being safe in the sun.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can say what I ned to do to make sure that I am safe in the sun when I am outside. 


"I know how to be sun safe.  I need to wear a hat and sunglasses so that my head/face is protected from the sun.  I need to put on sunscreen so that I do not get burnt".