Physical Education

WALT have good hand-eye co-ordination so that we can hit the ball.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can look at where the ball is then hit it with our bat.
STUDENT VOICE "  I know how to look and see where the ball is then ht it with my bat". 


WALT to know about being a New Zealander.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know something about sheep in NZ.
STUDENT VOICE " The man showed us how to shear a sheep. I had a turn too".


Adan's basic facts test


We are learning to compare the mass of different objects.

We weigh our shoes
We balance the scales
We decide who has the heavier shoes.

Te Reo & Music

WALT sing waita in Maori.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will be able to pronounce the words correctly and keep in tune.

STUDENT VOICE " I can sing the Maori words correctly".


Learning Intention
We are learning to edit our writing.

Success Criteria
Re-read our writing
Does it make sense
Fix up missing capital letters

Teacher Comment
Well done using the editing code to help edit your writing Adan. 

Well doene putting one line through a mistake so your writing makes sense.


Learning Intention
We are learning to understand the purpose of punctuation. 

Success Criteria
Find an example of punctuation
Pause at a comma
Emphasise words followed by an exclamation mark

Teacher Comment
You read well by pausing at the commas and using a big voice before the exclamation mark. Well done Adan!

Te Reo

Learning Intention: We are learning to sing " Singing In The Rain" and perform the actions.

Success Criteria:
Sing as a group
Listen to others
Join in with the actions

Teacher Comment: Well done Adan singing and performing the actions. It was great to see you doing all the moves.


WALT practise our maths at home.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  We can use our maths in everyday situations.

STUDENT VOICE " I am good at practising my maths at home for my maths home learning certificates".


Learning Intention

We are learning to perform a dance

Success Criteria

Dance in time to the musicMake the correct shapes Work as a team

Dance  - click for the link to see the dance. 


WALT make a balance in Gymnastics.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can make a balance and hold it.

STUDENT VOICE " I can make a balance with Danika". 


WALT show our CARE values.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will demonstrate Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence.

STUDENT VOICE "I am good at showing respect because I have good manners".

Te Reo

WALT sing waita with correct pronunciation
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can do the actions and sing the words in Te Reo. 

STUDENT VOICE " I know the words to the songs in Maori".

Oral Language

WALT share our ideas and experiences with other students.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will look at our audience and speak clearly.

STUDENT VOICE " I talked to the children about this and they could all hear what I was saying". 

MUSIC Year 2

WALT clap and move in time to the music.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can move our body in time to the Music.


WALT bounce and catch a ball to a partner.SUCCESS CRITERIA We can bounce a ball to a friend so that they can catch it again.

STUDENT VOICE " I can bounce the ball to Danika and she can catch it". 


WALT  read and follow instructions.
SUCCESS CRITERIA WE can make a wind sock by following the directions. 
STUDENT VOICE " Look what I made because I did what it said".


WALT; I am learning to recognise number patterns to ten instantly by using a tens frame.  This will help me to visualise my basic facts.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can recognise number patterns to ten like 4 + 6=10.

STUDENT VOICE 'I know that 7 + 3 makes ten".

Writing Term 1 2017

WE ARE LEARNING TO: write a recount
We can do this when we:Follow book standards
Write our story in the past tense
Write with some detail
Have most of our sounds in our story

I played with my friends at lunchtime. We played on the Junior playground and we had lost of fun. It was a nice sunny day and we had our sunhats on to keep us safe  from getting sunburnt. 

Maths Term 1 2017

WALT count in ones from 50 -100.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  I can count like 50,51,52,53.... all the way up to 100. 

Physical Education

WALT jump while balanced.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can show how to jump with a rebound and without a rebound. 

Inquiry Term 1 2017

WALT know about being safe in the sun.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can say what I ned to do to make sure that I am safe in the sun when I am outside. 


"I know how to be sun safe.  I need to wear a hat and sunglasses so that my head/face is protected from the sun.  I need to put on sunscreen so that I do not get burnt".